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Pilot Projects Funding
Alzheimer Diagnosis in older Adults with Chronic Conditions (ADACC) Network
Request for Applications for Pilot Projects
The Alzheimer Diagnosis in older Adults with Chronic Conditions (ADACC) Network is soliciting proposals for pilot projects focused on blood-based biomarker testing for Alzheimer’s disease for older adults with multiple chronic conditions. The goal of this new pilot grant award is to develop novel discoveries and approaches in our understanding, use, and implementation of blood-based biomarker testing for Alzheimer’s disease diagnoses in real world populations who also have multiple chronic conditions.
As new opportunities emerge for use of blood-based biomarker testing for AD pathology, it is crucial to understand their different expressions and clinical utilities in diverse populations who have different comorbid disease profiles. These people may exhibit unique biomarker patterns, influencing Alzheimer's progression and diagnosis. A deeper understanding will help clinical treatment strategies and design personalized interventions that consider the overall health profile and goals of individual patients.
The ADACC Network is a national consortium funded by a NIA grant and composed of investigators from Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
This pilot award is open to all levels of faculty and junior faculty at the Assistant Professor level are especially encouraged to apply. Awardees will be granted up to $158,000 total costs to be administered over the course of a 12-month project.
Pilot Project Guidelines
A successful application will address the following:
Assessment of the accuracy of blood-based biomarker tests for use in older and diverse adult populations with multiple chronic conditions.
Consideration of real-world implementation in primary care settings.
Plans to increase diversity in participant recruitment of blood-based biomarkers in adult populations with multiple chronic conditions.
Innovation in research methods, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research.
Diversity of skills and training of the investigative team.
Specific plan to pursue extramural funding that is built on the pilot.
Application Requirements:
Application form (2025 Pilot Application Form: ADACC Network):
Submitting Investigator
Co-Investigator(s) and other key personnel
Abstract (300 words max)
Specific Aims (1 page max)
Research Strategy (3 pages max)
Plan for addressing Human Subjects Protections (1 page max)
Budget: the Research and Related Budget Form (OMB Number: 4040-0001) and Budget Justification (no page limit)
NIH-style biographical sketch for all project investigators (
Budget Guidelines:
Budget start date: 07/01/2025
Total amount awarded: Up to $158,000 in total costs (including F&A)
Budget allowances may include salary support for the PI or faculty collaborators (using NIH salary cap), research support personnel (including undergraduate and graduate students), travel necessary to perform the research, small equipment, research supplies, participant incentives, and core lab costs, or other purposes deemed necessary for the successful execution of the proposed project
Budget allowances may not include office supplies or communication costs, meals or travel, including to conferences, except as required to collect data, professional education or training, or computers or audiovisual equipment, unless fully justified as a need for the research
Awardee Expectations:
IRB approval prior to receipt of funding
Investigator and key personnel training certification prior to receipt of funding
Establish an anticipated project timeline.
Establishment of data use agreement and transfer of de-identified pilot data facilitated by ADACC
Data Coordinator Center
Create and share annual progress reports, including a comprehensive final report.
Present and disseminate research findings at annual ADACC meeting.
Required Disclosure/Deliverables:
Extramural funding sought and received.
Dissemination of pilot study results at meetings and manuscripts.
Any publications made in relation to the pilot study.
Key Dates:
Application deadline: 01/06/2025
Selection of finalists will be asked to meet with the ADACC pilot projects sub-committee: 02/03/2025
Selection of awardees date: 03/03/2025
Project start date: 07/01/2025
Project end date: 06/30/2026 (No Cost Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
How to Apply:
Access the application form at 2025 Pilot Application Form: ADACC Network
If you have any additional questions or need assistance with the application process please contact

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